
English by Dr. Cooper

English By Dr. Cooper is an online coaching programme devised by Dr. Cooper, a world-renowned writer, teacher, and expert in the field of teaching Brazilian learners of English. A PhD graduate of the University of Oxford, his experience and work in the field is unparalleled.
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About Dr. Cooper

Dr. Jason Cole, the creator of English by Dr. Cooper, has graduated from some of the most prestigious universities in the world. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in English from Dartmouth College, two Master’s degrees from Columbia University (the first in Creative Writing, the second in Applied Linguistics), and a PhD in Applied Linguistics from the University of Oxford. He speaks five languages (Portuguese, English, Spanish, Italian, Greek) and is completely bilingual in Brazilian Portuguese and English.


Our Method

While completing his PhD in Applied Linguistics at the University of Oxford, Dr. Cooper studied Brazilian English-learning extensively, discovering how certain Brazilian informal learners are able to achieve extremely high, near-native English proficiency, surpassing the levels of motivated formal learners at the most prestigious language schools in Brazil. Based on these findings, Dr. Cooper’s methodology uses authentic materials and spontaneous use situations, along with constant expert facilitation, to help learners overcome the most persistent difficulties Brazilians have with English.

Total Access

English by Dr. Cooper has been created especially for the needs of Brazilian English-learners and the problems they face when learning English. By exposing students to real, practical English, we quickly bring them to a high level of fluency rarely attained by Brazilian students enrolled in conventional language courses.


Eu já possuía um nível intermediário e era um amante da língua inglesa, mas possuía muitas limitações, principalmente no que os nativos falam. Depois que comecei minhas aulas no método Dr Cooper, eu vi que tinha muita coisa para aprender. As aulas interativas dinâmicas, sempre com novidades e diversão a cada encontro. Além de professor, se tornou um amigo. Evolução de 100% em 6 meses. Muito obrigado.

Dentista, Piauí

Em 06 meses de aulas meu inglês melhorou muito. Aulas engraçadas, dinâmicas e com muitas dicas de expressões comuns para o aprendizado. Chega de Brazinglish!


Médico, Rio de Janeiro

Olá, meu nome é Jéssica, tenho 22 anos e moro em São Paulo. Sou aluna do Dr. Cooper á 8 meses e percebo que melhorei muito meu inglês. Realmente seu método é diferente, consigo guardar as novas palavras e utilizá-las com facilidade. E seu diferencial é seus vídeos objetivos com as coisas realmente importantes e sua atenção nas aulas online. Obrigada Dr. Cooper! Eu confio em você!
Jéssica Marques